Source code for fuzzyfinder.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from . import export

[docs]@export def fuzzyfinder(input, collection, accessor=lambda x: x, sort_results=True): """ Args: input (str): A partial string which is typically entered by a user. collection (iterable): A collection of strings which will be filtered based on the `input`. accessor (function): If the `collection` is not an iterable of strings, then use the accessor to fetch the string that will be used for fuzzy matching. sort_results(bool): The suggestions are sorted by considering the smallest contiguous match, followed by where the match is found in the full string. If two suggestions have the same rank, they are then sorted alpha-numerically. This parameter controls the *last tie-breaker-alpha-numeric sorting*. The sorting based on match length and position will be intact. Returns: suggestions (generator): A generator object that produces a list of suggestions narrowed down from `collection` using the `input`. """ suggestions = [] input = str(input) if not isinstance(input, str) else input pat = '.*?'.join(map(re.escape, input)) pat = '(?=({0}))'.format(pat) # lookahead regex to manage overlapping matches regex = re.compile(pat, re.IGNORECASE) for item in collection: r = list(regex.finditer(accessor(item))) if r: best = min(r, key=lambda x: len( # find shortest match suggestions.append((len(, best.start(), accessor(item), item)) if sort_results: return (z[-1] for z in sorted(suggestions)) else: return (z[-1] for z in sorted(suggestions, key=lambda x: x[:2]))